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I picked up two new books last week (drooling):  Amanda Jean and Cheryl's Sunday Morning Quilts

AND Mary Elizabeth Kinch and Biz Storms' book Small Pieces, Spectacular Quilts.  I would love to start one of their projects but first things first to which they both attest. My scraps need to be in some semblance of order and visible or they will remain where they are into eternity.  And, then I will also mention a third blogger/writer extraordinaire, Judy Laquidara, who reminded me in her book Weekend Quilts about big batch cooking so one can spend more time creating and less time in the kitchen (not that I mind cooking but I’d usually rather be sewing).  So, today’s effort combined all these forces into a burst of productivity which ended with a delicious dinner on the table and several drawers filled with scraps just waiting to be picked up and sewn into something marvelous;  all done in an hour and a half I might add.  So here are some pictures which will hopefully encourage you to do the same; believe what they say as they do know what they’re talking about in this regard to be sure! 

Your basic storage drawers

The drawers got cleaned.  Chicken put in the oven.  Dump the scraps out on the floor and start sorting.  Don't over think it.  Listen to some good music or a podcast.  By the time the timer rang the drawers were filled!  I still need to label them but at least I can add to or take from with ease!  I can't wait to put them to use.  I also liked, rather loved, Amanda's cute fabric boxes but these will do for now.  My drawer categories are: Browns, reds, blues, purples, white/black, modern, golds, batiks, greens, selvages, block parts.  Oh, and I also added some too small bits to my "dog pillow bag" which also got a better place to sit so I will be more apt to throw stuff in and fill it up.  I'm so pleased! I hope you will give it a try too!
